Stay Put

entry 11 stay put or its the shovel.jpg

Stay Put …

or get the shovel.

Gestalting? Have you heard of it? it is the original timeline therapy (or timeline reset - or whatever its being sold as these days)

Her name was Louise - She came to me for a free consult. On her request form she never stated why she wanted hypnosis. I went through the usual questioning but my intuition was telling me to throw the usual process away.

I looked Louise in the eyes and said “Who hurt you?”

Immediately she started crying! - She had been to so many doctors and been told she had claustrophobia (fear of crowded small places). She told me how when she was naughty as a child she was disciplined by her father. Her father would put her in the cupboard and tell her to “stay put!”. One day it was hot in the cupboard and she crawled out, she was met with a spanking on the bottom with a shovel.

The shovel lead to her tail bone being bent and later in life causing chronic back pain.

I admit at the time I thought a simple cinema rewind or director session would do the trick, but again my intuition was speaking loudly to do it differently.

We scheduled the first session and she arrived as keen as mustard to get started - and still my intuition was bugging me …
It is not my job to diagnose, but I wondered what she knew about cleithrophobia (fear of being trapped) I went out on a limb and asked her. She knew nothing. I explained how it was often confused with claustrophobia with the difference of feeling trapped and unable to escape. Her eyes lit up as if she had just discovered her path to freedom. She refused to take elevators and sit in the back seat of the car. She only sat where she could see an exit when going out.

I told her I wasn’t going to do a standard phobia session with her and with her permission, I would guide her safely back to that time to rediscover and connect with her younger self. I explained to her the process was called Gestalting.

I learnt Gestalting from a woman named Elona Hienga. She learnt the process from the school of gestalting (which closed for unknown reasons way before I entered this world). The theory was called
“The crossroads between Empiricism and Realism”

Empiricism is a theory that all experience rises from the senses

where …

Rationalism is a theory that “any view appealing to reason is the source of knowledge and justification” - meaning that we do not need to experience something to have feelings for it.

As time went by I adapted the gestalting to what I call Flow Gestalting (as depending on the clients response you follow the flow chart to a different section required for healing) - this covers both the above theories.

Louise had experience of being locked in the cupboard and it made her senses rise (Empiricism Theory) - She was also expressing rationalism, as any time she was trapped she had the knowledge and justification to heighten her emotions and justify them (she knew that being trapped in an elevator had slim chances but it did not mean she was anymore rational towards her reaction).

I asked her permission and took her through the process. Taking her back into a past life - a timeline that she once lived so she could gain new perspective and healing.

Timeline and regression aka past life is not necessarily before we were born - It can be something that happened yesterday (that is a past life!). Gestalting is the original form of the timeline process. Unfortunately it has been rehashed and fluffed up so many times over the years that most of its key influences have been lost in translation. I see gestalting as “just like nan used to make” - original and always an amazing experience.

Louise made some phenomenal shifts that day (I swear she even looked younger) - She came back to experience the process again when her father passed away. It was her way of experiencing her own power to forgive and let go.

It is a flow process, and as much as it’s the same recipe as nannas apple pie you can adapt it for the individual as some people like to add ice-cream and others don’t.

Discover The Modern Mentoring Here - Flow Gestalting is available in Essential Hypnosis and NLP Advanced Techniques


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