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“You can trust the unconscious” - Milton Erickson


What happens during hypnosis?

A clinical hypnotherapist uses hypnosis to facilitate a state of mental, physical and emotional relaxation in their client.When you are in hypnosis, your conscious mind – the busy, analytical part of the mind – takes a rest. Hypnosis allows you to tap into the storehouse of information that lies in the subconscious (sometimes referred to as the unconscious) mind and make positive changes to thought patterns, habits, or the effects of traumatic incidents that are having a negative impact on you, either mentally or physically.

How do I choose a hypnotherapist?

When choosing a hypnotherapist, check that they meet your requirements. Tap the green search button. Here you can search via location, category and keywords. EG: quit smoking.
Tap the therapists image and read the information about services, training and how to connect with them.

Is a doctor’s referral necessary?

A referral is usually not necessary, however, a medical check may be advisable if an issue has a predominantly physical cause. Often, the hypnotherapist will work with your doctor or other professionals to ensure a safe and productive outcome is achieved. Some health funds require sign-off by a doctor in order to qualify for a rebate.

What does hypnosis feel like?

The feeling when in hypnosis is of being physically and mentally relaxed. It has been likened to the feelings we experience just before waking completely from sleep or just as we drift off to sleep. Some people say it feels like daydreaming. When in hypnosis, you experience a state of complete mental, physical and emotional relaxation. This in itself is a very healing state to be in. Leading American hypnotherapist, Dr Milton Erickson, described the process of clinical hypnosis as “a free period in which individuality can flourish.”

How much does hypnosis/hypnotherapy cost?

As with all professionals in the field the price varies based on the therapists expertise. Some hypnotherapists specialize in specific issues whilst others draw on different resources and training to help you gain results Contact a hypnotherapist and simply ask them.

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